Welcome to the winter edition of the ERRA newsletter and to any new residents. I thought some of you might be interested in details of the Eaton Choral Society? They will be performing Handel’s Messiah at Christ Church Eaton, NR2 2AQ, on 6th April. I believe that the concert is free but with a retiring collection. Eaton Choral Society would be delighted to welcome new singers and if you are interested in joining please contact them on [email protected]
Welcome to the winter edition of the ERRA newsletter and to any new residents. I thought some of you might be interested in details of the Eaton Choral Society? They will be performing Handel’s Messiah at Christ Church Eaton, NR2 2AQ, on 6th April. I believe that the concert is free but with a retiring collection. Eaton Choral Society would be delighted to welcome new singers and if you are interested in joining please contact them on [email protected]
Quiz & Chips night!
We’re holding another Quiz & Chips evening on Saturday 8th February and it will be held at the URC Hall and starting at 7pm. Chris will once again be our quiz master with food served just before 8pm. Entry forms giving more details and food choices are available on our website, or from Jane at [email protected] or 07941 370927. Tickets are £11 each. Please bring your own pens, paper, drinks, glasses, condiments, cutlery etc. This has been a very popular event in the past and with limited space in the hall, so book early to avoid disappointment!
We’re holding another Quiz & Chips evening on Saturday 8th February and it will be held at the URC Hall and starting at 7pm. Chris will once again be our quiz master with food served just before 8pm. Entry forms giving more details and food choices are available on our website, or from Jane at [email protected] or 07941 370927. Tickets are £11 each. Please bring your own pens, paper, drinks, glasses, condiments, cutlery etc. This has been a very popular event in the past and with limited space in the hall, so book early to avoid disappointment!
Annual General Meeting 2025
Our AGM will take place on Monday 12th May at 7.30pm. Our speaker will be Matthew Williams who will look at Eaton Rise from ‘Ground Level Downwards’. Please put the date in your diaries with further details in the next newsletter.
Our AGM will take place on Monday 12th May at 7.30pm. Our speaker will be Matthew Williams who will look at Eaton Rise from ‘Ground Level Downwards’. Please put the date in your diaries with further details in the next newsletter.
Ipswich Road Hedge
It’s been 15 years since the start of this project and the tireless support and hard work of the volunteers has been greatly appreciated. There is more that needs to be done and new volunteers are always required and will be made welcome. Please contact Kathleen on [email protected] if you are interested. The last working party of 16 November planted snowdrop bulbs, repaired and re-instated new fencing. The next working party will be taking place during February/March to tackle extensive ivy, plant whips and sow wildflower seed.
Neighbourhood Watch
There has been some minor criminal damage on the estate and it’s a timely reminder to report any anti-social behaviour. If you need advice, please email [email protected]. New road signs and overlays have been erected across the estate at no cost to the residents, but if you wish to donate to work across the county, please contact
It’s been 15 years since the start of this project and the tireless support and hard work of the volunteers has been greatly appreciated. There is more that needs to be done and new volunteers are always required and will be made welcome. Please contact Kathleen on [email protected] if you are interested. The last working party of 16 November planted snowdrop bulbs, repaired and re-instated new fencing. The next working party will be taking place during February/March to tackle extensive ivy, plant whips and sow wildflower seed.
Neighbourhood Watch
There has been some minor criminal damage on the estate and it’s a timely reminder to report any anti-social behaviour. If you need advice, please email [email protected]. New road signs and overlays have been erected across the estate at no cost to the residents, but if you wish to donate to work across the county, please contact
Speeding on Eaton Rise
In spite of our 20mph speed restrictions, motorists are still driving too fast around the estate! Please take care as there may be children or dogs running loose, and encourage your visitors and tradespeople to do likewise. Thank you.
In spite of our 20mph speed restrictions, motorists are still driving too fast around the estate! Please take care as there may be children or dogs running loose, and encourage your visitors and tradespeople to do likewise. Thank you.
Eaton Rise Garden Club
Welcome to another year in the Eaton Rise Garden Club. We have a full programme of talks including The History of Spices, The Victorian Garden and beekeeping in Norfolk. Please see the ERRA website for full details. We successfully received our first delivery of compost and had a good day meeting people from across the estate as they came to collect it. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at the URC at 7.30 pm. Take time out to enjoy a cup of tea/coffee - it’s a great opportunity to learn more and, of course, share your gardening knowledge and experiences.
Welcome to another year in the Eaton Rise Garden Club. We have a full programme of talks including The History of Spices, The Victorian Garden and beekeeping in Norfolk. Please see the ERRA website for full details. We successfully received our first delivery of compost and had a good day meeting people from across the estate as they came to collect it. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at the URC at 7.30 pm. Take time out to enjoy a cup of tea/coffee - it’s a great opportunity to learn more and, of course, share your gardening knowledge and experiences.
Townswomen’s Guild.
A well-established Townswomen’s Guild will now be meeting in the Blake Room at the URC on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, beginning Tuesday 21st January between 2 – 4 pm. There is a £3 fee for visitors which includes tea/coffee & biscuits. Apart from the monthly meetings when they usually have a speaker, they also meet regularly for lunch or to discuss the latest book club choice. During the year outings by local buses or coach companies will be arranged or visits to museums, theatre or cinema. Their planned programme for 2025 is: 21st January New Year Social & Planning Meeting; 18th February East Anglian Air Ambulance; 18th March AGM; 15th April East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices; 20th May The Rise and Fall of the Great Yarmouth Herring Industry; 17th June Community Police Officer and 15th July Shelter. Please contact Janet Evans-Jones on 01603 436847 if you have any queries and would like to come along.
A well-established Townswomen’s Guild will now be meeting in the Blake Room at the URC on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, beginning Tuesday 21st January between 2 – 4 pm. There is a £3 fee for visitors which includes tea/coffee & biscuits. Apart from the monthly meetings when they usually have a speaker, they also meet regularly for lunch or to discuss the latest book club choice. During the year outings by local buses or coach companies will be arranged or visits to museums, theatre or cinema. Their planned programme for 2025 is: 21st January New Year Social & Planning Meeting; 18th February East Anglian Air Ambulance; 18th March AGM; 15th April East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices; 20th May The Rise and Fall of the Great Yarmouth Herring Industry; 17th June Community Police Officer and 15th July Shelter. Please contact Janet Evans-Jones on 01603 436847 if you have any queries and would like to come along.
Ceilidh at the United Reformed Church
Everyone is welcome to a Ceilidh to be held at the URC on Saturday 1st February, from 7-10pm, when the Fezziwig Ceilidh Band will be playing. Tickets (£12 per head) which include a jacket potato, fillings and dessert, must be pre-booked by contacting 07809 531987 or emailing [email protected].
Everyone is welcome to a Ceilidh to be held at the URC on Saturday 1st February, from 7-10pm, when the Fezziwig Ceilidh Band will be playing. Tickets (£12 per head) which include a jacket potato, fillings and dessert, must be pre-booked by contacting 07809 531987 or emailing [email protected].
Energy Awareness - Eaton Rise
An Energy Awareness Evening is taking place on Tuesday 28th January at 7.30pm with refreshments being served from 7pm, at the URC. Your local ‘Our Power’ Energy Champion and resident, Paul Donnachie, will give a short talk on the history of energy to heat homes, as well as advice on energy-saving. Stephen Maunder from Trading Standards will then talk about Scams, how to spot and hopefully avoid them - an increasing problem for many of us. The presentations will be followed by questions and answers. We’re keen to encourage your participation including sharing your tips and experiences as well as to help save energy! We hope this topic will be of interest to our residents at this coldest time of year when many will be concerned about bills and how to avoid being scammed.
An Energy Awareness Evening is taking place on Tuesday 28th January at 7.30pm with refreshments being served from 7pm, at the URC. Your local ‘Our Power’ Energy Champion and resident, Paul Donnachie, will give a short talk on the history of energy to heat homes, as well as advice on energy-saving. Stephen Maunder from Trading Standards will then talk about Scams, how to spot and hopefully avoid them - an increasing problem for many of us. The presentations will be followed by questions and answers. We’re keen to encourage your participation including sharing your tips and experiences as well as to help save energy! We hope this topic will be of interest to our residents at this coldest time of year when many will be concerned about bills and how to avoid being scammed.
Table Tennis Group
We are a friendly group of mixed-ability adults who meet on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 7pm-9pm at the URC hall on Ipswich Road. We have one table and play doubles matches for fun rather than competition and we rotate partners throughout the evening. We would be pleased to welcome new players, with a free taster session to see if you would like to continue playing with the group. The cost is only £15 per quarter year. For further information, please contact Tim Simpson on 01603 466442 or [email protected]
We are a friendly group of mixed-ability adults who meet on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 7pm-9pm at the URC hall on Ipswich Road. We have one table and play doubles matches for fun rather than competition and we rotate partners throughout the evening. We would be pleased to welcome new players, with a free taster session to see if you would like to continue playing with the group. The cost is only £15 per quarter year. For further information, please contact Tim Simpson on 01603 466442 or [email protected]
© 2013 Eaton Rise Residents Association (ERRA)