Take our Home Energy Survey and see our free Action Plan and details of free energy advice from our Community Energy Champion, Paul Donnachie by going to the ‘Saving Energy at Home page’
Click here for details of Ceilidh evening to be held at the United Reformed Church
AbOut eaton rise
Eaton Rise covers an area of 83 acres to the South West of Norwich and to the West of the Ipswich Road. Its 406 houses and United Reformed Church are about a mile and a half from the City Centre and only half a mile from unspoiled countryside.
The houses have been built on a plateau which rises steeply to about thirty meters above the flat marshy valley of the River Yare. This part of the valley, to the south Eaton Rise, is known as Marston Marshes and is a Local Nature Reserve.
The houses have been built on a plateau which rises steeply to about thirty meters above the flat marshy valley of the River Yare. This part of the valley, to the south Eaton Rise, is known as Marston Marshes and is a Local Nature Reserve.

The underlying chalk is exposed on the valley sides in the adjacent Danby Wood, the site of an old chalk pit and also a Local Nature Reserve. The chalk is covered thick layers of sand, left behind when the ice sheet melted, and some boulder clay forming an easily worked, almost stone less loamy soil.
The south and west of the estate is bounded by the eighteen hole, Eaton Golf Course, founded in 1910. The attractive main building of the City of Norwich School with its extensive playing fields lies to the west.
The south and west of the estate is bounded by the eighteen hole, Eaton Golf Course, founded in 1910. The attractive main building of the City of Norwich School with its extensive playing fields lies to the west.
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We have had a few requests from residents for recommendations for good tradespeople. Whilst it would be very difficult for us to maintain an appropriate list, Norfolk County Council already has. trusted Trader list on their website. You can search by category, and contact details and user reviews are shown. To go to the site, click here.
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© 2013 Eaton Rise Residents Association (ERRA)